Can businesses help each other in such turbulent times?

We believe so. We all see an abundance of work from home tips for individuals; we’d like to focus on business financial capabilities that are essential to the resilience of the company.

Straight to the point,

how can we help and to whom?

How Can We Help? 

In a nutshell, Certomo is a B2B SaaS, web-based, secured financial platform that aggregates all of the organization’s financial data. (Well, it does much more than that, but I’d like to focus on the immediate value). That is, data from all bank accounts, of all subsidiaries, currencies, from any bank in the world. 
Setup is done in minutes.
That means that although teams are scattered and are forced to work remotely, probably for an extended period, organizational data can be easily accessed and managed in real-time.
We all realize how crucial a virtual collaborative communication is right now. We’d like to help companies get back on their feet as quickly as possible. That’s why we extend a complementary offer to all businesses that can benefit from this solution.
Feel free to reach out and to tag or share within your network- it may be very meaningful to certain organisations.

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Certomo is a holistic financial aggregation suite that lets international businesses manage their entire banking portfolio in real-time, using a unique algorithm and AI capabilities.  We’ve learnt that businesses that operate across multiple regions and often transact with various banks and currencies face unique challenges related to forecasting and real-time access to critical financial data.

Our solution serves the financial team, allows them to leverage and apply data to advanced strategies that dramatically improve liquidity, as well as financing, operational & FX risk management.

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